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Writer's pictureSuzy Heaton

What Does the Lord Require of Us?

Warning, this may be a controversial topic.

This post was not made with the intention to use this blog as a branch off into politics.

Originally, I began this website to publish posts on my own blog that address various characteristics and attributes of the Triune God. So, yes, this is not a peer-reviewed publication. It is simply one believer asking other believers, "What does our Lord require of us?"

To that question we may receive correct answers such as that from Micah 6:8, which says, "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

There may even be other correct answers such as, "God desires we become more like Himself" or "We are to do everything to glorify and magnify our good and holy God".

I am not necessarily intending to address that question with one answer. All of those above would be biblically correct and applicable. What I do wish to converse about is that question in light of a modern-day political trend that has come to my attention.

"But, wait, Suzy, I thought you said you were not going to be political?" Yes, that is true. I do, however, desire to be biblically Christ-centered. In attempting to do that, I cannot write about knowing God and becoming more like Him, and neglect the rare post on modern-day topics. In other words, the Christian life that seeks to do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God, become more like Christ, and to magnify a good and holy God cannot be separated from the life here on earth. As each believer in Jesus Christ progressively grows to become like Christ, they do not do so apart from the events and various interactions on earth.

Our response to politics, our participation (or lack thereof) in trends, choices of entertainment, how we use our words, how we respond to God and others, how we just plainly live the life God gave us cannot be separated from our growth toward Christlikeness. It is impossible! If we attempt to make it possible, we have completely missed the point of what God requires from us believers here on earth-- holiness or Christlikeness in God-given daily moments.

What is this about then? Glad you asked.

Gas prices? Not exactly... but if you look close enough you will see three "I Did That" stickers. Two of which have been peeled off, and one which still remains.

Those on various media sites have had varying news reports related to this. Some mentioned that store managers of gas stations "...said that not only do [the stickers] potentially chase away some customers, but that they put his store at risk for corporate fines. 'The point of the matter is it’s causing issues for us, because we get points taken off if our corporate comes by and does inspections they do.... Put it on your car, put it on your house,' [one store manager] begged. 'Don’t vandalize private property.'... Cagle [the store manager] complained that the stickers accomplish nothing, other than to inconvenience the people who have to remove them." (story here:

Another news coverage reports that "The latest viral trend to mock President Joe Biden are Biden gas pump stickers that say 'I did that' and show the president pointing in the direction of a price. According to multiple videos on TikTok, the stickers are popping up on gas station pumps throughout the country. They’re also showing up on grocery store shelves as consumers make commentary about prices." (story here:

In this same story above, you will see comments from those putting up the stickers, such as the following: "So much fun I put them up every time I buy gas and just if I go back again and I see it’s taken down the next time I add a little crazy glue to it." or "These stickers are giving me such pleasure!! It’s a great way to rid yourself of the anxiety you’re feeling with the rising gas, grocery…prices." As Christians, do we believe the claims that these stickers are a great way to push our feelings elsewhere? I hope not... Philippians 4:5-9 would encourage and state otherwise.

There is another report online that mentions how "it is cheap and easy" to do. That this gas pump sticker trend is " what Democrats did to Republican presidents like Trump. Remember those 'Not my President' bumper stickers? So in a way Republicans now are just returning the favor." (story here:

Whether a believer or unbeliever has been putting these stickers on the gas pumps is not my point. Whether people have a good reason to put the responsibility of the rising gas prices on Biden or not is also not the point being made here. Whether unbelievers should respond in a "Christlike" way is definitely not my point either. That is utterly impossible!

The concern I have here is that we-- Christians who have been positionally sanctified by Christ and are being progressively sanctified while on earth until we are made completely sanctified by God-- should have different, Christlike responses. We should bear the light of Christ and portray His fruit (John 15:4-5; Galatians 5:22-23).

Does that mean we dismiss everything the government is doing that is true and turn a blind eye for the sake of "right responses"? No, no, that is not what is being presented. There is a time to stand up for right God's way, but fighting rising gas prices and grocery bills with stickers intended to mock a (yes, God says this in Romans 13) God-ordained authority hardly seems like the best choice. Despite the trials and uncertainty being presented through (in this case) political means, we should respond in a Christ-centered way. That is, graciously, humbly, and with a trust deeply rooted in our sovereign God Who will provide for what He knows to be our needs (Philippians 4:19).

We give mankind too much credit when we say that those governing authorities ultimately caused this. In some ways, this is basically true from what we understand. In more technical ways, nothing can happen in life unless our sovereign God allows it to. Is this not what we believers know to be true about our great God? Who can speak, and it comes to pass, unless our God ordains it or allows it to? It is God that raises up and puts down authorities, and ordains the [governing] authorities that are presently in power. I think it is a right application and conclusion for a Christian to make that nothing happens apart from God's knowledge or without God's allowance (Psalm 75:6-7; Romans 13:1).

This is not to say that God is the author of sin or gives His approval for it. That would be a complicated discussion, so let me just say this. First, we must address that evil came about because of the Fall in the Garden of Eden, not because of God. Second, we know that pain and suffering is a result of that evil choice in the beginning, and evil choices still do continue today because humans choose to do evil. Imperfect decisions and sinful choices are accomplished through imperfect and sinful souls-- people.

We know that God could get rid of all pain, suffering, trials, tribulations, and sin. We as believers know that He will! The book of Revelation in God's Word attests to this, so we know that in His timing we will see things set right by God. Yet, I would be amiss, as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, to assume that God must make things better by setting the gas and grocery prices right. Although that would be nice! I am living in America, too.

The response of Christians to the sticker trend was brought to my attention because,

  1. I was NOT praying for Biden or any other authority put in political positions by God the way I as a Christian should be. Which, for me, I was not praying at all. Not once since all this inflation ensued. Ouch!

  2. I was NOT filtering my responses to the rising prices in gas and grocery products through a biblically Christlike mindset. I was not pointing others to a sovereign and holy God Who personally cares for all.

  3. I was relying on what I felt would make me feel better, and not what God says would bring me His peace. I was leaning more on my understanding of what would change things, than on what God says changes things.

God has greater plans and accomplishments in store for believers:

  1. To be a godly light to unbelievers, sharing the Gospel of Christ through our example and words while we live on earth. (Matthew 5:13-16; 28:18-20)

  2. To become more like Christ every day, trusting in His sovereign rule and provision as we do what He has called us to do right now. (Philippians 2:12-13; Proverbs 3:3-8)

  3. Ultimately, to have a biblical worldview with an eternal mindset. Seeing this world and the people in it through God's eyes and God's Word; and through the vocation He has given us, being a light to unbelievers and a godly example to those believers around us. This world is not our ultimate home-- Heaven is-- and we can enjoy the good God has given us, but we must do now what we can for God's eternal kingdom. (1 Timothy 6:17-19) That includes being His light to everyone.

So, maybe, instead of murmuring and disputing (Philippians 2:12-16) as I have been prone to do, ask God to show you ways in which you may have been sinning in response to this political trend? Ask God to search you, not because He doesn't know our hearts' intentions, but because we don't and He does. The Lord will show us what areas we need to repent and change through the grace and strength of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 139:23-24; Psalm 51). This would be our first step as believers.

After that, God could be using this sticker trend as a reminder to prompt you to specifically and earnestly pray for all men including our current governmental leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4; James 5:16). I mean, He does already command that. We as Christians, no doubt, agree they need prayer, but are we-- am I-- willing to earnestly bring their names before God Almighty in prayer?

To conclude, I ask you to not agree with me on my thoughts on this political trend. They are not all my thoughts though, and I did at first agree with some of the peoples' responses in the news reports. You are responsible to God for your thoughts, words, and actions, so I want you to draw the right Christlike biblical conclusion on this current trend.

My expressions were simply that.

What does the Lord require of you? To follow Him. So, please, I encourage you to do so.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5:22-25

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07 mar 2022

This is a good reminder! Thanks for the post!

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